Sacred Spaces Part 2 with Connie
Connie Ghinazzi will again explore sacred spaces, this time through the eyes of environmentalist, Ernest Oberholtzer. Oberholtzer was born and raised in Davenport IA, Connie’s hometown and she became familiar with him in 2004. Since then, she’s had the opportunity to go to his island home a number of times to learn more about him and immerse herself in this special place.
In preparation for this service, Connie would suggest reading Books and Islands in Ojibwe Country by Louise Erdrich. Erdrich has spent a number of weeks on the island and her chapter about Ober’s work and home is a wonderful way to understand this sacred space. The whole book is wonderful, but if you are pressed for time, read just the chapter about Ober.
This book is available through Hoopla